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Advertising Definition: Marketing, Legal, Commercial & AI

Advertising Definition: Marketing, Legal, Commercial, AI

Advertising , here is a word that resonates in our contemporary world. Everyone knows it, but what is the definition of this very often used word?

In the manner of rhetoric, advertising is an art, a technique, a field, a means, a tool.

Like any tool, it can be used for various purposes and in various methods. Advertising can be a means of promotion, a form of information, an artistic medium or even a tool of persuasion.

As a business, advertising is a constantly changing field, evolving at high speed with societal, cultural and technological trends. It is therefore essential for companies to be up to date, to surf on the latest trends, to master the codes of today's advertising.

As consumers, it is important to be informed about the different techniques used by advertising in order to make informed choices. Naomi Klein, in her book "No Logo: The Tyranny of Brands", brilliantly exposes the dangers of a society dominated by marketing and overconsumption.

Advertising, while having a certain persuasive power, can also be a source of inspiration, motivation and education when used creatively and ethically.

At the legal level, advertising is subject to standards, legislation, laws in Switzerland, Europe and all over the world. It aims to protect consumers and avoid any form of deception.

With the artificial intelligence revolution , advertising is taking a major turn. In 2023, 40.6% of marketing experts will use artificial intelligence , compared to 29.7% in 2021, according to the study “Artificial Intelligence – the Future of Marketing” by Claudia Bünte.

What is advertising?

Advertising is a means of communication that aims to promote a product, service or brand. Advertising uses several means, forms and supports: search engines, social networks, websites, newspapers, magazines, television, radio....

Its aim is to promote a brand and encourage the public to purchase a product or use a service, using various means and techniques suitable for this purpose.

Advertising Definition Marketing

Let's cut to the chase: Advertising is for promotion, while marketing is for purchase.

Advertising Legal Definition

The European Commission defines advertising as: "any form of communication made in the context of a commercial, industrial, craft or liberal activity with the aim of promoting the supply of goods or services, including immovable property, rights and obligations."

Swiss legislation

According to the Swiss Civil Code , which governs the provisions relating to the protection of names and personalities, it is prohibited to use photos and names of people for advertising purposes without their approval.

Advertising Definition Commercial

Commercial advertising is used to increase sales, build brand awareness, and create demand for a product or service.

Advertising and Artificial Intelligence

Between the imagery of Terminator and its incredible possibilities, artificial intelligence arouses both fascination and fear.

In the field of marketing, the use of AI allows for a better understanding of consumer behavior and therefore more personalized and effective advertising. For example, Facebook uses AI to target ads based on the interests and behavior of its

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the game changer in the world of marketing and advertising—and you don’t want to miss out on this revolution. Did you know that AI adoption has increased by 53.2% since 2018 in marketing while skepticism has decreased by 67%.

Improve your productivity by using AI for routine tasks as proven by MIT: ChatGPT users reduced their writing time by an average of 10 minutes compared to those who did not use it! Experts say that efficiency is not the only advantage of AI. It has also shown a clear improvement in the quality of the texts produced.

But without the skilled and expert use of AI, these benefits are likely to remain untapped. AI may seem complex, but with the right knowledge and training, its implementation is clear and simple. In fact, with the increase in the number of professionals trained in AI, more and more people are managing to optimize AI for the success of their business.

Become part of the 40.6% of marketers who use AI in their work to gain a competitive advantage!

Importance of advertising

Advertising plays a crucial role in the business world. It allows companies to make themselves known and attract consumers' attention to their products or services. Indeed, without a good advertising strategy, it would be difficult for a company to stand out from its competitors and generate sales.

Additionally, advertising can also be used to inform consumers about the features and benefits of a product or service, as well as to educate the public about social and environmental issues.

What are the different types of advertising?

Check out this board with several types of advertising, each with its own goals and benefits:

Type of advertising



Informational advertising

Inform consumers about a specific product or service, highlighting its features and benefits.

Launch a new product on the market.

Persuasive advertising

Convince consumers to buy a product or service with emotional or logical arguments.

Strengthen customer loyalty or influence their purchasing behavior.

Institutional advertising

Strengthening a company's brand image and reputation, rather than promoting a specific product.

Improve the public awareness and image of large companies.

The ethical issues of advertising

To paraphrase Rabelais: "Advertising without conscience is but a ruin of the soul."

Although advertising is a powerful tool to promote products and services, it can also be a source of controversy and ethical issues. Indeed, some advertising practices can be misleading, deceptive or manipulative, which can have negative consequences for consumers and society.

This is why it is important for companies to comply with advertising laws and regulations and adopt an ethical approach in their advertising campaigns.

What are the different types of Advertising?

Advertising comes in many forms, each with its own distinct features and benefits. Let’s explore the main types of advertising you can use to boost your business.


Television remains a powerful medium to reach a large audience. TV commercials offer a unique combination of sound, motion, and visuals to captivate viewers. TV commercials are ideal for building brand awareness and generating sales at scale.


Radio is a classic channel that continues to play a vital role in advertising strategy. Radio advertisements are primarily audio, using jingles and soundtracks to convey their message. They can reach a wide and diverse audience.


With the rise of the Internet, online advertising has become essential. Whether through SEA, SEM, display or influencer marketing, the options are numerous. Small businesses can precisely target their audience and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns in real time.

Paper support

Although some consider it obsolete, print advertising retains its charm. Posters, brochures, catalogs and leaflets are all media that offer a tactile and personal dimension to advertising.

Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising or OOH (Out Of Home) displays are omnipresent in our daily lives. Whether on billboards or bus shelters, it captures the attention of consumers while they are on the move.

What is the purpose of advertising?

The ultimate goal of advertising is to drive sales. But its goals go far beyond that. Effective advertising can:

  • Increase brand awareness : By ensuring your brand is recognized by consumers.

  • Generate a need : Create a desire for a product or service.

  • Building a brand identity : Helping a company differentiate itself from its competitors.

A Nielsen study found that nearly 60% of consumers say they prefer to buy new brands after seeing an ad. 📢 Source

What are the three functions of advertising?

Advertising plays a multifunctional role in the business world. Here are three of its main functions:


The cognitive function of advertising is to inform the consumer. This includes presenting facts, figures and comparisons to help the consumer make an informed decision.


The affective function aims to create an emotional connection between the consumer and the brand. Advertisements that tell an emotional story or use humor to engage the audience fall into this category.


The conative function is action-focused. It encourages the consumer to take action, whether by purchasing a product, subscribing to a service, or visiting a website for more information.

Advertising strategies for SMEs and Entrepreneurs

For small businesses and entrepreneurs, choosing the right advertising strategy is crucial. Here are some tips to maximize the impact of your campaigns.

Set goals

Start by clearly defining your advertising goals. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, increase sales, or build customer loyalty? Having a clear goal will make it easier to create an effective campaign.

Choosing the right channels

Each type of advertising has its strengths and weaknesses. Evaluate your needs and budget to choose the channels that will provide the best ROI for your business.

Create captivating content

Content is king. Whether it’s videos, images or text, make sure your message is clear, engaging and relevant to your target audience.

What is the full meaning of advertising?

Advertising is more than just an ad. It is a science and an art combined to influence human behavior. It is ubiquitous and plays a crucial role in the global economy. 🌍

What is the synonym of advertising?

When talking about advertising, words like "promotion", "announcement" or "communication" can be used as synonyms. Each of these terms highlights a different facet of the overall concept of advertising.

What is another word for advertising?

Another commonly used term for advertising is "public relations", although the latter covers a broader spectrum of activities that include managing a company's public image.

What is advertising in a nutshell?

If we had to sum up advertising in one word, it would be "influence". Advertising seeks to influence our perception, our choices and ultimately, our actions.

What is promoting?

To promote is to make a product or brand known, often through advertising. It is a term that encompasses all actions aimed at increasing the visibility and appeal of a product.

What is another word for promoting something?

A synonym for promote might be "to put forward" or "to promote."

What does it mean to promote something?

Promoting is not only about making something known, but also about generating interest and encouraging purchase.

What is the opposite word of promote?

The antonym of promote is "neglect." When you neglect a brand or product, you don't give it the attention it needs to thrive.


Whether you want to create buzz, increase awareness, or increase sales, advertising is a powerful and versatile tool to achieve your goals. 🚀

With a protean definition, advertising is an essential element of our society. It can be a source of information, entertainment, inspiration but also manipulation.

Just like in science, it is essential to establish an ethics of advertising. It is an incredible tool but to be used in a creative, inspiring and respectful way.

So get to your keyboards and create beautiful, relevant and effective ads! 📈

Don’t underestimate the power of advertising, but use it responsibly. As an entrepreneur or marketer, you have the ability to influence consumers’ decisions and turn your brand into a reference in their minds.

Take the time to define your objectives, choose your channels wisely and create captivating content to maximize the impact of your advertising campaigns. And don't forget that behind every ad is a story to tell !






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